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VI Meditation

VI Meditation

Take a Unique and Exciting Journey with me in a Holographic Visual Imagery (V.I.) experience in my self-taught Meditation (VI Meditation) that I've created, practice daily, and coached for over half a lifetime.     


A one-of-a-kind meditation that can get RESULTS delivering a time-space  everything you could ever want or need for all body systems, while manifesting your intent in a detailed meditation.  

Whether you are skilled in letting go and being in a Meditative, Peaceful State of Consciousness or not, you can learn how to become at Peace (zero-point, in the Present) within 4 seconds, and utilize a powerful Visualization, E-Motion and Feeling of the changes you desire while raising the Vibrations around your etheric universe.  Start changing the Journey you're on immediately!   Experience a jump into another time-line in four days!


When you're ready to get out of the box we've been so bamboozled into, then you'll find Meditating like cake walk!  Expanding our Consciousness is Key!


When working with our Body, it's Energy, Vibrations, Frequencies, and Consciousness, it's very important to live in a home environment free of HEAVY EMF influences.  Electro-Magnetic Smog that is all around us, and mostly, right in our own homes.  It's best first to go through this page on the website about de-switching, and ridding the EMF/RF's and Dirty Electricity that takes us away from grounding, and having a balanced energy system of all things in the Body.




I personally start with Grounding myself (checking to see if I'm 'Switched'), then Prayer and my INTENT of the Meditation.  Next is to Clear my mind of all the programmed chatter (zero point).  I spend five or more minutes stretching all parts of my body to release energies that may be stuck in the joints and also I dry brush upwards to the heart to get the Lymph juices moving and flowing!  This is part of the first steps prior to practicing VI Meditation, which is an exercise to practice prior to moving towards the Visualization Methods, Focus, and Increasing the Specific Energies. 


NOTE:  To start right away on removing the programmed Chatter in the Conscious Mind, it's as easy as using only the five senses that was originally and naturally given to us by the architect of all that is.

This is done by listening to the sounds around you, smell the scents of your space, feel any heat, cold or breeeze against your skin; and any taste in your mouth of that moment.   This directed attention to your senses will help remove the programmed thoughts that have been with you possibly since Birth or as far back as in the womb of your Mother.  With some other little tricks, you can reach this state of consciousness in less than 4 seconds, with practice.


To work on a specific area of concern in VI Meditation, begin while sitting straight up with hands on the top of legs and feet flat on the ground (no shoes).  If you can be outside without being disturbed, that is even better!  This Meditation takes at a minimum, 30+ minutes and to receive the results you want or need, must be done three times a day for 4 straight days.  Prep time to ground, is approximately 10 minutes, which also includes stretching.  One hour prior to meditation (or more) no food or drink.  Only plenty of Water with Trace Minerals in it.  Fasting during these four days may bring deeper results (if you can).  Possibly intermediate fasting which is only eating between NOON and 5pm each day.


My VI MEDITATION story is currently being written and will come out in an eBook most likely in the coming 12 months.  This will be very detailed about how I came about the processes, and a clear story on my first full VI Meditation 3x a day for four days with my first Health Concern that needed healing. My design and passion was high, as I did not want to have surgery.  The health concern/issue I was working on during that first VI Meditation I practiced, was looked at by Dr. Tanaka (spelling?), a wonderful doctor from India that my sister referred me to, in Dunedin, Florida, who is now I believe retired as that was around 40 years ago.  The surgery was not only going to leave me with a serious scar, however, I was told that rehab would be six months.  As a Very active young lady in sports, and playing guitar/piano, I put off surgery while I did a planned Computer Expo in Vegas for 4 days.  The doctor explained it would continually get worst and more painful and I should take care of it as soon as possible.   I was stubborn and did Not want to have drugs, surgery, or anything else.

After the Comdex Show in Vegas, I started on what ended up being the most amazing five days of my Life in my self designed and founded, very detailed Meditation I call, VI Meditation.  "VI" stands for "Visual Imagery".  I proceeded with the meditation as planned when I returned from Vegas.  It was after doing this meditation process for 40+ minutes each time, three times a day for four full days to heal my health issue inwhich I discovered, nothing happened!  My family and friends called me each day to see if it was healing, and it was a big NO.  I did NOT give up.  It was on the firth day when I woke up in the AM hours that I stretched and noticed NO PAIN, and saw the issue was totally gone.   Yes, just like that!  I went to the doctor to show him and he said he could do "Exploratory Surgery to see for sure", and when I denied, he said to keep on Praying, and tapped me on my right shoulder while walking out of the room.  It was a day I'll never forget.  And, the beginning of an incredible Journey!

From this day forward, for over 40 years, I've used this VI Meditation with the same success for health issues that arised, and each time amazingly it was always on the 5th day in the AM that the issue was resolved.  I'm not saying this would be the case for others, as I believe we all have a different path, a unique personality and various disipline in ourselves, our thoughts, and in our lives.    Although, as for a Meditation that has the ability for 'you' to possibly make changes within, no matter how much time it takes, is well worth the Prep work, the Grounding, the clearing of the Electro-Magnetic Smog in our Homes and Office, removing the toxic food from our homes and diet, and spending quiet time within, at peace with ourself, in Prayer and Meditation.  My eBook will go into the amazing Journey that led me up to the design of VI Meditation, and all that it's done in my Life.  I must note, that at a time while my life was a bit upside-down from a big move, and loosing my best friend, my father, and Sushi, my beautiful dog that I found floating in my swimming pool one morning, I great difficulties in Meditating.  It was off and on for years that I sabatoged myself into NOT meditating, even though I knew that it was so important for my Health & Wellness, and Peace of Mind.  We all have times in our life that we step back, and don't follow through on things, and/or think we have everything under control.  I still did amazing things in my health, however, it was through a variety of other alternative healing modailities that I've learnt along the way.  Today looking back, I believe my Soul wanted to experience other ways to Naturally Heal, and though it was successful, it took longer and sometimes, also, took some money to do so.  We all have a Journey, and do things in do time, when the Soul/Spirit wants to!   I'm a great example!  You will know when it's Your time.

Because of the amazing part of this story PRIOR to putting together my VI Mediation, when Yahuah came to me one afternoon while I was speaking with a bible teacher from the Christian church I attended for over 10 years (Yahuah showed up in phytsical form, but never said anything to me - however, I felt his words, which was Unconditional LOVE that he sent through my entire body!), and One Verse from the Bible that always stuck in my head through all my trials and errors in Life, which I believe is from the New International Version, reads, "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."


Space & Time - The end product of experiences, can become an "E (Energy)-Motion", emotion, and conditioning starts with Images, Experiences & Thoughts. Do we really only choose around 5% of the time of what WE really want to do, and possibly 95% of the time the decisions are made by the Sub-Conscious Mind? 


Many moments and segments of our lives has conditioned us in the Subconscious Mind, ie Tel-A-Vision, Media, Internet, News, Radio, Schooling, books, friends/family and more.  Throw out your TEL-a-Vision (cable) and Radio-Broadcast stations today, and stop the Hypnosis.  Have Faith, and know that you are Magnificant with the ability to be Impowered with great Health, Prosperity, Unconditional Love, Happiness and can share this with others to bring Peace and Love in the World. 


Everyone is unique, and has specific opinions depending on their Journey, however, these are to be shared, not argued.  Nobody is correct, as we never know, until our day is done here.  So why Judge?  It's unnecessary to pass along the lower & negative vibrations of Judging others.


The digital ERA has taking away 'Conversation' and replaced it with words on a text, eMail or a social media site.  Voice (sound) has vibrations and frequencies that are transmitted to another Human so that they can feel the pain, the love, and or the concern of another.  You cannot feel or know this by just words, as words do not carry the vibrational emotion that comes with Human Communication.  To judge by just 'words', is living inside the box and being stuck in the world of a digital sound only, which has NO SOUL.  Let us be Human again.  Come visit or call me!


Emotions and Trauma hinder us in life, stopping us from reaching our goals.  Emotion is "Energy in Motion" (e-Motion), therefore with each thought, you're putting energy into it, to manifest into your reality.  Take your mind off auto-pilot, and learn to be in the Present where all things are possible, and you can Manifest anything... Ground and remove from the Digital World and MetaVerse; come back to Earth and all it can offer naturally.  It truly is a Beautiful place when you see it without all the Chatter and Confusion of the Digital ERA.

Dolores Cannon said it perfectly

a long time ago





Everything is Vibration and Energy

How can we feel what is Natural around us when we're bombarded with man-made frequencies all in our environment and affecting our Minds; the Conscious and Subconscious is under constant attack and left right brain is switched.  No matter how much we exercise, eat organic and alkaline, and stay away from all the toxic products, food and water in the world, we still have the electro-magnetic smog that is clogging up everything in the blood, and body/mind.  Learning how to de-switch, clear the chatter in the mind, meditate, be at peace and use all senses is when we can bring back what it used to fell and be like as Humans.  Click Here>  Meditate

Around the year 1990, I had an amazing experience while talking to my bible instructor on the phone.  The phone went dead, and what I saw that day in broad daylight is still in my vision today and impacted the rest of my life.  It was truly magnificiant, and has forever changed the way I look at things.  My Mission began there. 

When I pulled all things together that I learnt, I then created VI MEDITATION.  I believe that prayer with Intent, Vision, e-Motion and deep relaxation (Meditation) was able to alter my life.  And, for the better.  So, it did, and it did it in amazing ways from that day forward.  I realized that when we are relaxed without all the chatter and noise, time is timeless.  No matter your spiritual belief, it is important to know that we must let go of all that is enslaving us on the outside - and go inward.  Then, totally let go - and listen, smell, hear, feel.  All things we put energy into (e-motions) Will Manifest.  If you want to speed up that process, VI Meditation in my opinion and over 30 yrs of practice, will escalate your wants and needs.  What some people do in Positive thinking and/or Affirmations, VI Meditation can do very quickly and effectively.  Four Days, to be exact has always been the number for Me, and to this day I wonder why it is always on the first morning?

George Harrison explained our purpose in an interview 


An enlightened and powerful speech from musician and Beatles band member George Harrison (1943 - 2001) on the experience of life, bliss and consciousness.

Click here:













Good Vibrations, as the Beach Boys sang about - coming from Movies such as

"The Secret - Dare to Dream"

Seen currently on (Amazon)

If a Culture is programmed by misperception,

misrepresentation, we become disempowered! 

Take back your Power! 

Turn off the hypnotizing Tel-a-VISION -

Why are there "PROGRAMS"?  For Programming?

And, Why are there "CHANNELS"?  For Channeling other

Species or Frequencies/Energy?

Meditate & Pray, be in Nature, and bring back Peace within.

TEL  -  A  -  VISION (?)


Do you want to create the World you live in, or let someone else influence it?

Many continue to spend the day in Noise & useless Chatter of a constant lower frequency & vibration by and through the Computer speakers and monitor, and via Tel - A - Vision running in the background of our homes and/or businesses, or right in front of us with a "BLUE LIGHT" projecting out to our Eyes and Body, a light of distruction, and molding our life and environment by the very pictures and words it creates from HOLLYwood that our Conscious and Sub Conscious Mind believe to be true, and creates in our Reality.  Unknowingly it's Hypnotizing us to Project a Reality that may not be of the one we Want!  It's been happening since Print, and then Radio, and then Tel a VISION, and then CELLULAR phones, and now with all the Electro-Magnetic Smog of the Internet, dozens of Towers within three miles of our homes, and 1,000's of Satellites in our skies.


Today we are gaining the Wisdom on how to connect and ground, and while FEAR is in the news and devastation is projected to us in HOLLYwood movies,  Media, and on the Internet, we can obtain Balance now from within while also releasing it and staying in a clean, higher vibration.  This Fear driven news and holly-wood certainly can easily deliver an unknown & unhealthy MESSAGE into our cells, and stress hormones.  The opposite?  Staying away from 'their' messaging, and being in Unconditional LOVE, raising the Heart Energy Center, which in turn raises our Immune system! 

Which would you rather have?

Exactly what runs and rules our lives 24/7 in the subconscious and conscious Mind?  How much of our thoughts and VISIONS are controlling the outcome of our days and lives?  Are there outside influences that are controlling our very thoughts, and lives?  YES.  The skill of releasing all the 'chatter' that has accumulated since in the Womb, allows us to Connect to All that Is, gaining inner Peace, Love and Healing in our Life. 




The Electro-Magnetic Smog - (electro-magnetic radiation) is a silent, slow devastation to all Life at a cellular level (all life has been created with a variety of vibrations that should not be disturbed and put off balance).  Add in the Hypnotizing of Tel a Vision, and the programming since childhood influences & the controlled education system - including symbolism, frequencies, and unknown Audio messages in Media and Holly-Wood throughout Life, and, what are we left with at an older age?  A variety of unbalanced blocked/stagnant energies that are constant chatter and hold us back from Healing, Love, Happiness and Prosperity.  Today we need to learn how to THINK for ourselves, and remove ourselves from the Matrix of Fear and lower Vibrations.  VI Meditation is the start of the beginning of all this.

The Industrial ERA we live in today has changed our Planet from the more organic nature it used to be over a century ago.  Today we have more carcinogens in our Food, Products and Water (Streams, Oceans, Rivers) such as added Fluoride and other Chemicals (Chloramines) put in our drinking water systems, and the run-offs of fertilizers and chemicals used in gardening, lawns, and in agriculture such as Pesticides & Herbicides (Glysophate - known possible Carcinogen to cause Cancer, all of which eventually filter down into our Aquifer (such as where our drinking/bathing water is from, coming from a Well), including running off into our beautiful Streams, Lakes, Oceans, and Ponds. Not to mention, the horrific chemicals, dyes, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, etc that is put into our Foods and Beverages, including Medical Drugs, Vaccines, Illegal Drugs, and Tobacco & Alcohol all of which have a large effect upon our Pineal Gland and down to the Trillions of Cells that make up our Physical Body.  ADD to this all the many Man-Made disrupting Frequencies, hundreds of satellites aiming down at us, and 1,000's of Towers, cellular phones, Geopathic Stress Lines, Radio Frequencies (Smart devices), and (DE) Dirty Electricity (in our walls).... and we are at an ERA that is a constant battle to stay in Balance with Mind/Body.

Let's Get BACK to Basics, back to a time prior to the influence of removing the things that allowed us to be self sufficient, healthy and sustainable!  Learn how to Ground with the planet, grow organic food without fertilizers, sprout, make our own Probiotics, and work in Permaculture Standards.  Join with your Neighbors, because in the future, those will the our true partners in survival.  Mark 12:31 Love your Neighbor as Yourself




I AM a woman of the land, flesh and blood, and Free.

Yoga on SUP
Soldier Fishing

Strings and Theories!



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